miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2011

Está abierto, está cerrado. It's open, it's closed.

We will use "abierta" or "cerrada" for female words: La puerta
We will use "abierto" or "cerrado" for male words: El ojo

La puerta está abierta
The door is open

La puerta está cerrada
The door is closed

El ojo está abierto
The eye is open
El ojo está cerrado
The eye is closed


lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011

Un tributo a los trabajadores. A tribute to workers.

Estas son algunas de las profesiones más duras.
These are some of the toughest professions

¡Gracias a todos!
Thank you all!

Trabajador de construcción
Construction worker



viernes, 26 de agosto de 2011

Casas con Historia. Homes with History






lunes, 22 de agosto de 2011

Jugar - Tocar. To play in Spanish

The verb TO PLAY in Spanish uses two different verbs: 
One for instruments (TOCAR) and one for playing for fun (JUGAR)

Yo toco el piano. I play the piano

Mi hija juega con su amiga. My daughter plays with her friend


jueves, 18 de agosto de 2011

¿Qué hora es? What time is it?

La hora. The time. 
Es la una en punto. It's one o'clock

We will use the plural when it's more that 1 hours:
Son las dos en punto. It's two o'clock.
Son las tres. It's three o'clock...


Es la una Y CUARTO. It's A QUARTER PAST one 

Son las dos Y MEDIA. It's A HALF PAST two

Son las cuatro MENOS CUARTO. It's A QUARTER TO four

Son las cuatro MENOS CINCO. It's FIVE TO four


lunes, 15 de agosto de 2011

Ciudad o campo. City or country in Spanish

La ciudad                                               El campo
¿Dónde viven, en la ciudad o en el campo? Where do you live, in the city or in the country?

Me gusta vivir en la ciudad y me gusta viajar al campo por vacaciones. I like to live in the city and travel to the country on holidays.


viernes, 12 de agosto de 2011

Direcciones. Asking directions while driving in Spanish.

-¿Puede decirme cómo puedo llegar a la playaCan you tell me how I can get to the beach? 
- Siga usted recto por esta carretera; después gire a la derecha en el próximo cruce. Go on straight on this road; then turn right on the next crossroads
-Gracias. Thank you.
- De nada. You’re welcome

You can also check Street directions in Spanish:


jueves, 11 de agosto de 2011

Casarse. To get married in Spanish

Una boda = A wedding
Casarse = To get married

"Nos casamos en Agosto. La boda es en Nueva York"
"We get married on August. The wedding is in New York"


miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2011

Mis películas favoritas. My favourite movies

Me encanta el cine. Estas son algunas de mis películas favoritas. Me gusta verlas en las salas de cine o en casa.
I love cinema. These are some of my favourite movies. 
I like to watch them at the movie theaters or at home.

Like water for chocolate
Talk to her


lunes, 8 de agosto de 2011

Haciendo una reserva de hotel - Making a hotel reservation in Spanish

-¿Tiene alguna habitación doble? Do you have any double rooms?

-¿Para cuántas noches? For how many nights?

-Sólo para una noche. Just for one night.

-Sí, tenemos una disponible. Yes, we have one available.

-Estupendo, gracias. Great, thanks.


viernes, 5 de agosto de 2011

Comprando comida. Food shopping.


jueves, 4 de agosto de 2011

En el mostrador de Check In - At the Check In counter

¿A qué hora tengo que estar en la puerta de embarque?
What time do I have to be at the boarding gate?

A eso de las 12:00
Around 12:00

A que hora sale mi vuelo?
At what time does my plane leave?

A la una en punto.
At one o’clock.



miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2011

Time expressions in Spanish - Expresiones de tiempo

más tarde  later
hoy  today
esta noche  tonight
mañana  tomorrow
mañana por la mañana  tomorrow morning
mañana por la tarde  tomorrow afternoon
mañana por la noche  tomorrow night
pasado mañana  the day after tomorrow
la semana próxima next week
el mes próximo  next month
el año próximo  next year


lunes, 1 de agosto de 2011

Beach vocabulary in Spanish

En la playa con:
At the beach with:

Una toalla
A towel

Un sombrero
A hat

Unas gafas de sol

Un libro
A book


jueves, 28 de julio de 2011

Contratar = To hire

   Contratar = To hire
   Contrato = Contract
   Darse la mano = To shake hands

Cuando contrato a un empleado firmamos el contrato y nos damos la mano.
When I hire an employee we sign the contract and we shake hands.


miércoles, 27 de julio de 2011

Escribir = To Write


Mafalda escribe un email. Escribe a sus amigos. Escribe acerca de sus vacaciones.

Mafalda writes an e-mail. She writes (to) her friends. She writes about her vacation.


lunes, 25 de julio de 2011

"Al fresco"

"Al fresco" is a Spanish expression meaning: "outdoors". 

Cenando "al fresco" 
Dining "al fresco" (outdoors)


viernes, 22 de julio de 2011

Educational technology: The evolution of classroom technology


jueves, 21 de julio de 2011

Cascada/Catarata = Waterfall

Cascada = Small waterfall

Catarata = Big waterfall



lunes, 18 de julio de 2011

Los sentimientos positivos = positive feelings

  • feliz = happy
  • la alegría = joy
  • alegrarse = to be happy
  • tranquilo =calm
  • el amor = love
  • el cariño = affection
  • desear =  wish
  • la felicidad = happiness


miércoles, 13 de julio de 2011

Derecho vs. Derecha

Derecho = Straight
Derecha = Right

Sigue derecho = Follow straight
Gira a la derecha = Turn right

Note that "derecho" also works as an adjective for "right". As in "lado derecho" = "right side"


lunes, 11 de julio de 2011

Esperar - To wait or To hope

El hombre espera al autobús
The man waits for the bus

La niña espera tener una bicicleta de regalo
The girl hopes to have a bike as a present


martes, 5 de julio de 2011

Using the verb "llevar" in Spanish

In Spanish we use the verb "llevar" to signify different related actions:

To carry
To take to
To move to
To have with you (when going somewhere)
To lead to
To go (food to go = comida para llevar)

Caperucita lleva comida a su abuelita

Little red riding hood takes food to her grandma


jueves, 30 de junio de 2011

Anciano = Old man

To say "viejo" (old) to an old man can be a little disrespectful. It is better to use the term "anciano" for an old man and "anciana" for an old woman.

Anciano = Old man
Sabio = Wise
Sabiduría = Wisdom

El anciano es sabio. Tiene una gran sabiduría
The old man is wise. He has a great wisdom.


viernes, 24 de junio de 2011

NYC. La ciudad de la luz. The city of light.


Primero Hay Que Aprender Español.

Damon Winter/The New York Times
Nicholas D. Kristof

Primero Hay Que Aprender Español. Ranhou Zai Xue Zhongwen.

A quiz: If a person who speaks three languages is trilingual, and one who speaks four languages is quadrilingual, what is someone called who speaks no foreign languages at all?
Answer: an American.
Yet these days, we’re seeing Americans engaged in a headlong and ambitious rush to learn Chinese — or, more precisely, to get their kids to learn Chinese. Everywhere I turn, people are asking me the best way for their children to learn Chinese.
Partly that’s because Chinese classes have replaced violin classes as the latest in competitive parenting, and partly because my wife and I speak Chinese and I have tortured our three kids by trying to raise them bilingual. Chinese is still far less common in schools or universities than Spanish or French, but it is surging and has the “cool factor” behind it — so public and private schools alike are hastening to add Chinese to the curriculum.
In New York City alone, about 80 schools offer Chinese, with some programs beginning in kindergarten. And let’s be frank: If your child hasn’t started Mandarin classes by third grade, he or she will never amount to anything.
Just kidding. In fact, I think the rush to Chinese is missing something closer to home: the paramount importance for our children of learning Spanish.
Look, I’m a fervent believer in more American kids learning Chinese. But the language that will be essential for Americans and has far more day-to-day applications is Spanish. Every child in the United States should learn Spanish, beginning in elementary school; Chinese makes a terrific addition to Spanish, but not a substitute.
Spanish may not be as prestigious as Mandarin, but it’s an everyday presence in the United States — and will become even more so. Hispanics made up 16 percent of America’s population in 2009, but that is forecast to surge to 29 percent by 2050, according to estimates by the Pew Research Center.
As the United States increasingly integrates economically with Latin America, Spanish will become more crucial in our lives. More Americans will take vacations in Latin America, do business in Spanish, and eventually move south to retire in countries where the cost of living is far cheaper.
We’re already seeing growing numbers of Americans retire in Costa Rica, drawn by weather and lifestyle as well as low costs and good health care. We’ll also see more and more little bits of Florida that just happen to be located in Mexico, Panama or Dominican Republic.
Another reason to bet on Spanish is that Latin America is, finally, getting its act together. Of all regions of the world, it was arguably Latin America that rode the recent economic crisis most comfortably. That means that Spanish study does more than facilitate piña coladas on the beach at Cozumel. It’ll be a language of business opportunity in the coming decades. We need to turn our competitive minds not only east, but also south.
Moreover, Spanish is easy enough that kids really can emerge from high school with a very useful command of the language that they will retain for life, while Mandarin takes about four times as long to make the same progress. Chinese has negligible grammar — no singular or plural, no verb conjugations, no pesky masculine and feminine nouns — but there are thousands of characters to memorize as well as the landmines of any tonal language.
The standard way to ask somebody a question in Chinese is “qing wen,” with the “wen” in a falling tone. That means roughly: May I ask something? But ask the same “qing wen” with the “wen” first falling and then rising, and it means roughly: May I have a kiss?
That’s probably why trade relations are so strained between our countries. Our negotiators think they’re asking questions about tariffs, and the Chinese respond indignantly that kissing would be inappropriate. Leaving both sides confused.
In effect, Chinese is typically a career. Spanish is a practical add-on to your daily life, meshing with whatever career you choose. If you become a mechanic, you’ll be able to communicate better with some customers. If you’re the president, you’ll campaign more effectively in Texas and Florida.
China will probably be the world’s largest economy within our children’s lifetimes and a monumental force in every dimension of life. Studying Chinese gives you insight into one of the world’s great civilizations and creates a wealth of opportunities — plus, it’ll be a godsend if you’re ever called upon to pronounce a name like, say, Qin Qiuxue.
So, by all means, have your kids dive into the glamorous world of Mandarin. But don’t forget the language that will likely be far more important in their lives: el idioma más importante es Español!
(In case you were wondering, that headline says: First learn Spanish. Then study Chinese.)

A version of this op-ed appeared in print on December 30, 2010, on page A29 of the New York edition.


jueves, 23 de junio de 2011

Compliments in Spanish - Cumplidos

¡Muy bien! – Very well!
                           ¡Buen trabajo! – Good work!
¡Sigue así! – Keep up the good work!
¡Te felicito! – Congratulations!


martes, 14 de junio de 2011

To get married = Casarse

To get married = Casarse

I'm going to get married = Voy a casarme

A wedding = Una boda

Wife = Esposa

Husband = Esposo



viernes, 10 de junio de 2011

Where is the restroom? = ¿Dónde están los servicios?

Where is the restroom? = ¿Dónde están los servicios? 

Are they vacant? = ¿Están libres?

Are they occupied? = ¿Están ocupados?



jueves, 9 de junio de 2011

The oldest house in New York. La casa más antigua de Nueva York

La casa más antigua de Nueva York está en Brooklyn. Fue construida en 1652.

The Wyckoff House

Ahora es un Museo.

The Wyckoff House Museum

Source: http://www.wyckoffassociation.org/


lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

The future in Spanish

The future is one of the simplest Spanish tenses. There is only one set of endings and most verbs - even those which are irregular in the present tense - use their infinitive as the root of the conjugation.


I will talk, you will talk, he/she will talk, we will talk, you will talk, they will talk


jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

"Por"and "Para"


"Por" has a transtional meaning, its a reason or a way.

"Para" has a directional way expressing direction or future.

A: ¿ POR cuánto tiempo estarás allí?
B: POR cinco días. Debo estar de regreso PARA el martes.

A: No pude dormir POR el calor que hacía.
B: Yo duermo con todas las ventanas abiertas PARA poder dormir bien.


miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011

Trancón - Traffic Jam


Antes y después

Antes = Before

Después = After


martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

Pets - Animales domésticos

La gente saca a pasear a sus animales domésticos en Primavera
(People walk their pets in Spring)

Animales domésticos son:

Los gatos (Cats)
Los perros (Dogs)
Los hámsters (Hamsters)

Perros en la calle

Algunas tortugas son también animales domésticos
(Some turtles are pets too)

Una tortuga


jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011


El novato - The rookie

Es un novato - He is inexperienced, a beginner, green, novice...

"Novato" comes from the same latin root as "nuevo" = New


miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011

The Numbers - Los números




After 30 numbers are written in 3 words, but formed exactly the same:



100 CIEN (when the number goes alone) 100 CIENTO... (when another number follows)


100.000 CIEN MIL, 200.000 DOSCIENTOS MIL...


